SUNDAY, MARCH 2 8:30-10:30 a.m. PLANT GIVEAWAY at Big Lake Native Plant Trail in New Orleans City Park (the trail is near the boat and bike rental on Friedrichs Avenue; giveaway is at the amphitheater seating area next to the lake—look for the signs) - Giveaway plants are Elliott's lovegrass (Eragostis elliottii) and mixed Drummond phlox (Phlox drummondii). Option 1: Stop by and pick up a native plant or two. Option 2: Volunteer for the giveaway team AND pick up a native plant or two. Four to six volunteers are needed to set up/take down table, signs, and plants and to give away plants. Volunteers must arrive by 8:00 a.m. Follow the link to sign up via NPI email.
SATURDAY, MARCH 8 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Saturday at the Refuge
Bayou Sauvage Wildlife Refuge Ridge Trail
Join us for an exciting and educational day during our 3rd Saturday at the Refuge event! This family-friendly event will take place at the beautiful Ridge Trail, a great spot to explore the unique beauty of the Bayou Sauvage wetlands. Learn more.
SATURDAY, MARCH 8 9:00-11:00 a.m. Native Plant Initiative meeting at Rosa F. Keller Library and Community Center, 4300 South Broad, New Orleans - Despite this winter's chills, there's a lot going on in our gardens, including a crowd of volunteer plants growing in surprising places. Susan Norris-Davis will share the latest on the Good Weed/Bad Weed database, an easy-to-use guide for deciding what to pull and what to encourage that's available on the NPI website. There'll also be NPI baseball caps and magnets available as donation thank-you gifts (see the details below in the "Learn & Share" section). As always, anyone and everyone (NPI member or not) is welcome to attend the meeting. After the meeting, share native plants and seeds AND help tidy up the garden; bring your garden gloves, clippers, etc., if you want to join the Pull & Prune fun. (Note that this Pull & Prune will take the place of the previously scheduled March 12 volunteer project at the library.)
SATURDAY, APRIL 5 - SUNDAY, APRIL 6 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. SPRING GARDEN SHOW at New Orleans City Park Botanical Garden 5 Victory Avenue, New Orleans - Education programs, plant sales, music, and more: it's THE spring event for plant people! Come for the fun and stay for the sharing: NPI's garden show booth will showcase native plants and answer the age-old question "Is it a good weed or a bad weed?"